Do you want to learn how to generate business ideas? Live it by Sigma' s Educational options in BCA College ...
Participate in the workshop organised by Found.ation, EIT Digital and BCA to learn about techniques for team-based idea generation and startup creation. Our international Business Modelling experts will guide you through a fun simulation on how startup ideas are being born. Together, we will generate startup ideas and work on them by following the Design Thinking methodology.
Dr. Patrick Hartigan, EIT Digital, Head of Master School
Zsuzsa Várhalmi, EIT Digital Budapest, Deputy Director
Barnabás Málnay, EIT Digital Accelerator Budapest, Business Developer
László Gulyás, ARISE Europe Lead, EIT Digital
Oliver Bey, EIT Digital Accelerator Berlin, Innovation Manager
Harry Daskalakis, BCA College, Executive Director
Zoi Anagnostidou, BCA Professor. BA Business Management Program Manager
Kostas Giokas, NTUA, Leader of AiM Research Team
Επιμέλεια ρεπορτάζ : Sigma Press Office
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