Αυτήν την εορταστική περίοδο σας προσκαλούμε να σας ξεναγήσουμε στις νέες μας εκθέσεις και στο γιορτινό Museum Shop.
Το Σάββατο 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2016 σας περιμένουμε στο Museum Shop για τα Χριστουγεννιάτικά σας δώρα!
The ILJM is the only jewelry museum in Greece. It is a nonprofit cultural organization certified by the Greek Ministries of Finance and Culture in 1993. The Museum acts as an international center for decorative and traditional arts and crafts, with an emphasis on goldsmithing and contemporary studio jewelry. In its twenty two years of operation, the ILJM has organized over 80 temporary exhibitions with decorative arts from Museum and private collections. 1.200 specialized educational programs have reached over 80.000 children and 60.000 adults while visitors count more than ½ million. Its future agenda includes introducing new educational methods of art and culture education through fun and inspirational activities for both children and adults. The ILJM is due to open in April 2017 the first Museum Artist Residence Program in Greece. The ILJM is not government funded. Its income derives from Museum Shop revenues, tickets, private and institutional funding.
Επιμέλεια ρεπορτάζ : Sigma Press Office
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